Today I came back to life. At last, I can breathe again. Admittedly, I don't think too far into the future. But even the future, I'm now certain, will be okay.
Slowly, the curse is beginning to wear off. I'm finally able to go long stretches without reliving the millisecond when my life detonated. Life is funny: it takes about as long to adjust to a new reality as it does to break in a new pair of shoes. I wouldn't have guessed that.
Cosy Consensus
8 years ago
Let me be the first to comment on this amazing blog.
(First of all, newsflash to Sun-Sentinel editors of past: Man, did we miss the boat. Who knew that Niblock could write so well??? I for one regret missed opportunities in the Lifestyle section!)
Dan and Dina, you must know that you have an army of friends and family who are thinking of you so much right now.
We all know that you are two strong individuals with so much love to give. Clearly you excel at parenting (see exhibit 1, that cutey pie Layla) and we have no doubt this will be obvious with the way you raise Ozzie too. You will figure it out. And you will rise above and beyond.
I look forward to reading entries to come. Dan, it is really special what you are attempting. Thank you for revealing your heart to all of us. It takes real courage to do so.
All of our love and best wishes from the Pacific Northwest,
Kavita (and Brian, Priya & Jayan)
Dan (and Dina) thanks so much for sharing. We have been thinking of you guys and are happy to hear that Ozzie (love the name) is safe at home. We look forward to meeting the little guy. Until then, we will enjoy reading all about him. Congratulations!
Dearest Dina,Dan,Layla,Ozzie,
Kavita said it best (so what else is new).
May all of the love and prayers from your family and friends embrace you all during this time of learning.
Dan, thank you so much for sharing your soul-baring words with those of us who cannot imagine what you are feeling.
We love you and wish we could really be there to hug all four of you.
Bon and Richie
I must say that Kavita expressed everything I'm feeling, so much better than visual old me ever could.
I never had any doubts you guys will be amazing parents to Ozzie and this blog proves that. It's truly wonderful... as is little Oz ...
Lots of Love to you all
Vane (Robbie & Darian)
Dear Wiz and Dorothy (?),
I'm so stunned and awed by this blog that I think I may need a blog of my own just to negotiate my own feelings about your blog.
I don't mean to make light, please understand. I just don't know what else to say right now — other than I feel for you.
I think you hit on the secret when you said in the Confirmation post: "We count our blessings."
Saying it don't make it so, but I believe that's the only way through something like this.
God bless you all.
Dan, please thank Dina for letting us know about your blog.
Your words knock the socks off the other blogs I've been subjected to lately.
To let your heart speak its mind and to share it with the world is tremendously courageous.
I can't wait for the next dispatch.
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